Sunday, February 26, 2017

Transformers: Age of Kreons - Volcanicon (2/5) Farside

Farside, one of Volcanicon's minions, transforms into a dinosaur of stegosaurid species. With similar gold-beige color scheme as other Volcanicon minions, Farside boasts of a spiny stretch of bricks in the back and a geometric headpiece.

Egyptian mummy?
Brand/Model: Hasbro Kre-o Microchangers Combiners
Condition: Bought with box in clear plastic bags, as set
Price: ~2 USD

Name: Farside
Transforming to: Stegosaurid
Planet: Dinosaur

Bare model of Farside
There is nothing unusual or amazing with the Farside minifigure. It  has the same head printed with silvery details to make it look metallic and badass. The legs and arms are of the Kreo mechanism - which enables the limbs to be moved sideways. The torso has awesome prints of robotic details, but has no particular significance to its form. Its back has no printing, similar to Liftoff.

The accessories that come with Farside minifigure consist of 1 helmet (which doubles as the head of the dinosaur), 2 silver curved blades (which are attachable to a red modified 1x1 with 2 clips), 3 pieces of bricks that form into spines, and 4 gold teeth (3 of which are rubbers).

Battle-ready Farside
 By bending an equipped Farside minifigure, it gives the illusion of transforming to a quadruped stegosaurid. The curved blades though are a steal for builders who customized. They can be used for various battle scenes but most notably, they could be used for samurai helmets.
Transformed Farside
Next: Lugmutt

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